HEX: #5E0B59 RGB: (94,11,89)

Color info

#5E0B59 contains mainly red and blue colors. Web safe color of #5E0B59 is #660066 (or #606).

RGB color model

#5E0B59 color RGB value is (94,11,89).

RGB: (94,11,89) (37%, 4%, 35%)

RGB channels and saturation

R 94 of 255 = 37%
G 11 of 255 = 4%
B 89 of 255 = 35%


R + G + B ~ 25%. #5E0B59 is quite dark color.

Portions of RGB colors in percentages

R + G + B = 94 + 11 + 89 = 194 (100%)
R 94 of 194 ~ 48.45%
G 11 of 194 ~ 5.67%
B 89 of 194 ~ 45.88'%


CMYK color model

#5E0B59 color CMYK value is (0,88,5,63).

  • cyan value is 0.00%
  • magenta value is 88.30%
  • yellow value is 5.32%
  • key color value is 63.14%

CMYK: (0,88,5,63)
C0M88Y5K63 (0%, 88%, 5%, 63%)
(0.00 / 0.88 / 0.05 / 0.63)

CMYK percentages



Color #5E0B59 in popluar color models

5E 0B 59
RGB 94 11 89
HSL 304° 79.05% 20.59%
HSB/HSV 304° 88.30% 36.86%
CMYK 0.00% 88.30% 5.32%

Color #5E0B59 in popluar number systems.

HEX 5E 0B 59
Decimal 94 11 89
Binary 1011110 1011 1011001
Octal 136 13 131

Shades and tints

Shades of #5E0B59


Tints of #5E0B59


CSS3 styles

Examples of css and html codes for elements with #5E0B59 color. Also use rgb(94,11,89) instead hex code.

Text Font Color

.myTextColor { color: #5E0B59; }

<p style="color:#5E0B59">This sample text font color is #5E0B59.</p>

This text font color is #5E0B59.

Background Color

.myBgColor { background-color: #5E0B59; }

<div style="background-color:#5E0B59">Inner text</div>

This div background color is #5E0B59.

Border color

.myBorderColor { border: 1px solid #5E0B59; }

<div style="border:3px solid #5E0B59">Div</div>

This div border color is #5E0B59.


.myOpacity80 { color: #5E0B59; opacity: 0.8; }

<p style="color:#5E0B59;opacity:0.8;">80%</p>

Text with #5E0B59 color and opacity 100% | 80% | 50% | 30%.

Background with opacity value 100%.
Background with opacity value 80%.
Background with opacity value 50%.
Background with opacity value 30%.

Text shadow color

.textShadow {text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #5E0B59;}

<p style="text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #5E0B59">Text here.</p>

This text has shadow with #5E0B59 color.

.textShadow {text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #5E0B59', 3px 3px 1px red;}

<p style="text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #5E0B59, 5px 5px 20px red">Text here.</p>

This text has shadow with #5E0B59 primary color and red secondary color.

Styles for old Internet Explorer:
.textShadow {filter: Shadow(Color=#5E0B59, Direction=45, Strength=4)}

<p style="filter: Shadow(Color=#5E0B59, Direction=45, Strength=4)">Text</p>

This text has shadow with #5E0B59 and red colors in old Internet Explorer.

Div box shadow color

/* css code */
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59;

/* html code with inline style */
<div style="-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59; box-shadow:1px 1px 3px 2px #5E0B59;">
Div content here

This div box has shadow with color #5E0B59.


Color preview on black background

This text has color #5E0B59 on black background.

Color preview on white background

This text has color #5E0B59 on white background.

Black color preview on #5E0B59 background

This text has black color on #5E0B59 background.

White color preview on #5E0B59 background

This text has white color on #5E0B59 background.

Related colors

Complementary color

Complementary color for #hex is #A1F4A6.

I love

Triadic colors

1 #595E0B and #0B595E with #5E0B59 are triadic colors.

2 #590B5E and #0B5E59 with #5E0B59 are triadic colors.